Council: Lancashire County Council
Project name: Strategy to drive nature recovery in Lancashire
Location: Lancashire
Purpose: The council has put protecting the environment as one of its top priorities and has set a number of ambitions for 2025 including:
Delivering a strengthened biological heritage system;
Managing public rights of way to ensure residents have access to high quality green spaces;
Better deploying nature based solutions, including peatland restoration, tree planting, and soil management to reach climate change and nature restoration targets.
The overall strategy sets out the high level direction the council is planning to take to put nature into recovery.
Description: Through the Environment Strategy and plans to for nature recovery in Lancashire, the council has set out it intentions to:
Improve tree planting through the council’s treescapes team. The council has a target to plant 30,000 urban trees and cover 170 hectares of rural land by 2025.
Establish a Biological Heritage Site System.
Continue to host the Lancashire Environment Record Network (LERN) which holds and provides information on habitats, species, and protected areas.
Continue peatland restoration projects across the county.
Introduce local nature recovery strategies along with biodiversity net gain to strengthen the region's habitats and species along with improving access to nature.
Conservative councillor/ council lead: Cabinet Member for Environment and Climate Change, Cllr Shaun Turner
Further links: Lancashire County Council’s Environment Strategy 2023 - 2025, Lancashire County Council’s new strategy to help drive nature’s recovery, Lancashire Environment Record Network details, and Lancashire’s Biological Heritage Sites write up.